Parkinson’s Disease

January 28, 2024 Posted by Beth Morris, IPF Adimistrative Assistant BlogParkinson's Disease

I Just Needed My Momma

Parkinsonโ€™s meet your cousin, Lewy Body Dementia. My mom had always been a bit of a free spirit. So, when she started getting lost driving to the grocery store, locking …

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The Climb Logo - Indiana Parkinson
April 28, 2020 Posted by Bob Bachman, CLIMB trainer at Parkview Health and Fitness in Ft. Wayne, IN BlogGratefulnessParkinson's DiseaseThe CLIMB

Parkinsons Patient’s: Always Grateful

During this time of uncertainty, when many of us are feeling disoriented, overwhelmed and scared, I hope everyone in our Parkinsonโ€™s family throughout the state is keeping safe and secure. …

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