Palliative and Hopsice Care
Do you know the difference between palliative and hospice care? Often, people are confused about these types of care. Paradigm Health describes the two types of care as follows:
Palliative medicine is specialized medical care provided in combination with curative treatment of serious illness. Palliative services are provided to patient in whatever setting they call home. It addresses symptoms and care management.
Hospice care concentrates on alleviating symptoms, pain and stress that come from a serious illness.
Also provided here are additional resources on these types of care. To reach Paradigm directly please call 317-753-6001. You can also visit their website at MYPARADIGMHEALTH.COM.
To learn more about the difference between Palliative and Hospice care, click download informational document.
Do you have questions about Palliative Care? Click to download document that addresses Palliative Care Questions.